Chlorella Powder
Chlorella Powder

Chlorella Powder

Chlorella belongs to the eucaryotic cell category of algae and lives in fresh water as a single celled plant. Its size is about that of a human erythrocyte;i.e.between 2-8 microns in diameter.

The name chlorella derives from two Latin words meaning 'leaf' (green) and 'small', referring to the unusually high content of chlorophyll which gives chlorella its characteristic deep emerald-green color. Chlorella is also rich in protein, vitamins, minerals,"C.G.F." (Chlorella Growth Factor) and other beneficial substances.

Under favorable growth conditions; strong sunlight, pure water and clean air, chlorella multiplies at an incredible rate. The process of reproduction can generally be divided into several steps; growth-ripening-maturity-division. At the division stage, a "mother" cell divides into 4 'daughter' cells.

This complete reproduction cycle can take less than 24 hours.

Chlorella may be taken in the form of tablets or capsules, or added to foods such as pasta or cookies. Taken in any form, chlorella can improve the nutritional quality of your daily diet. The increase in processed and refined foods in the diet of modern man make chlorella an important food supplement for anyone interested in better health.

Chlorella also contains a growth-promoting substance, making it valuable as an ingredient in breads and fermented drinks. If chlorella extract is added to the dough before yeast fementation, the visual appearance and flavor of the loaf can be enhanced. It will also keep the bread fresher for a longer period.

Chlorella can also be added to other foods to improve their flavor. Examples of these include wine, cakes, cookies, cheese, ice-cream, mayonnaise, pasta, rice and soft.

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NameChlorella powder(chlorella pyrenoidsa)
Appearance:Dark Green
Protein: 55% Min.
Ash:10% Max.
Arsenic mg/kg:0.5Max.
Pb mg/kg0.5 Max.
Hg mg/kg0.1 Max.
Total PAH50ppb Max.
Bacteria Count:20000cfu/g Max.
E Coli MPN/100g:20Max.
Pathogenic Bacteria:Negative 

Chlorella is a single-celld, fresh-water algae with the highest known concentration of chlorophyll of any living thing. Chlorella contains nearly all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins required to maintain optimal health.

It is also known to alleviate a vast array of ailments by promoting overall stength and vitality. Our organic chlorella powder has had its cell wall broken and this allows more nutrients to be available.

1.Keep full vitality, resist radiation, strengthen. Metabolism

2.Promote a healthy immune system and antioxidant activity.

3.Treating hypertension and diabetes.

4.Improve gastrointestinal and digestive health.

5.Support cardiovascular function, prevent liver disease and also effectively treat  


6.Enhance natural cleansing and detoxificatio.

25kg drum 20kg carton